Synchronize with Time Blocks

For centuries, many locales had a bell tower or clock tower that kept the community in sync with the daily schedule of events. Today, Fooky divided locale time into "blocks" to allow community applications to synchronize events such as scheduling reservations, managing rentals or run a sheduled task. For example, a High Street IPTV jumbotron can be scheduled to play the news and weather at the top of the hour or a local "radio station" can be created to automatically play songs and insert advertising.
Hyper-Local Driven Datasets

Over time, Fooky can learn the local landmarks and communities to improve the ability for the local entreprenuers to implement location-based solutions such as local shipping services, local delivery services, incident reporting and urban analysis. Example use cases are ride sharing services, crime reporting, food delivery, local shipping and navigation assistance for tourists and outside shoppers new to the local community.
Building Relationships Between People and Entities
The strength of a local economy relies strongly on the trust and relationship of the locale people and the local entities. Fooky platform enables identification and trust solutions be created to allow people to identify themselves and allow local business to understand their customers. Local entreprenuers can now create peer-to-peer solutions based on trust and identity. Example solutions that can be created is a classified ad system that allow two-party to trust each other before meeting for a transaction, customer loyalty programs between businesses and their customers and tailored promotions and marketing programs using permission-based practices to gather preferences. In addition, local applications can create membership economy solutions such as subscription boxes or private club access based on identity-based services.
Real-Time and Scheduled Notifications
Fooky communication services allow messages to be deliver to an individual or all subscribed members of the local community via e-mail, SMS or mobile push or communicated through IPTV or audio broadcasts synced to the IoE platform. Local entreprenuers can create solutions that allow businesses to notify their customer of a delivery or their order has been received. Businesses can be notified if their customer will be arriving very shortly to reserve a seating or prepare a meal or item pick-up. In the event of an natural diaster or an incident, members of the community can be notified and instructed on steps to take to move to a safe and secure position. IoT can notify Fooky platform that can securely notify another party such as a home-based elder or child well-being is reported via an IoT sensor to a remote family member on a daily or hourly basis. The type of notification-based applications are delivery and shipping status, remote monitoring and reporting using IoT and emergency and community awareness applications. Other solutions can include local-based subscription lists or status of upcoming events and last-minute notifications.
Fiscal Localism through Transaction Blocks

Fooky provides a shared and distributed transaction ledger to allow multiple local businesses participate in collaborative innovation of how units of value are transferred within their local economy. The unit can be points rewarded as a result of gamification services such as loyalty and achievements. The units can also be held as stored valued accounts and access through mobile devices or PVC cards. Local entreprenuers can create solutions such as rewarding points to excellent students to be redeemed at local merchants or access to membership services. Other solutions include creating a gamification fundraising effort allow sponsors to contribute points on the ledger based on achievements set by the participant wearable device such as a walk or run. In emergency conditions or shortage, rations can be managed through a local ledger that allow a fair distribution of food and supplies to affected families. In addition, new local opportunities can be discovered by interrogating the distributed ledger to determine if new line of business such as suppliers or manufacturers or wholesalers are needed in the local community to spur further economic growth.